The Naked Emperor and the Voice of Resistance

Since there has been so many conversations about the JEE-NEET examinations, and perhaps the banning of the famous internet game called PUBG as an act of “revenge,” there’s something else we need to acknowledge now, and that is the perspective of the youth or how the youth is perceiving India.

It’s time we acknowledge that it isn’t high tech development or modernization that we are waiting to witness the even in the next 20 years.
It’s the faceless governments, surveillance, worldwide pandemics, militarized police brutality, & last dregs of humanity struggling to survive.

Our generation is growing up in a unexpected state of the nation, one where nationalism is the end to all means, where kakistocracy is glorified, and prejudice is normalized, and by the way, these are even the stories that we will be saying to our next generation, nurtured by the false notion that, your ignorance is as good as my knowledge. Wonderful! Let’s clap for ourselves!! 😏

The world is tough, & it’s becoming tougher day by day.
We humans have become no different than animals. With dictators having a stupendous vacation in their closets, the supposed nationalists with their broken spines have subscribed to 24*7 slavery.
Elections have become rituals.

The problem I am trying to acknowledge here is that all this is not only because of having a naked government like the bjp, or even the “unlucky” year 2020.
But because we humans have forgotten as to what it means to be a human, and as a result, we have auctioned our spines & have disabled intellect.

Whatever that has happened this year and apparently will be happening is simply because a morally corrupt nation like ours deserved it.
We allowed it to happen. We allowed ourselves to loose morals. We allowed ourselves to be taken for granted and give a free ticket to fascists.

We love the blame game; we love complaining, we love being political sheeplians, and then rant about having a sensational media. At the same time, it is we who have messed things up.
Then scapegoat the younger generation to fix things up, while setting a really “good” e.g., isn’t it?

We have got flattered with the idea of having a spotless masculine superhero with and I-know-everything attitude, to be a strong leader, hypocrite neoliberal capitalism to be an alternative, and the remaining, to be called as failed individuals with an existential crisis.

Our autocratic rulers incite pent up anger and a sense of humiliation to fuel right-wing nationalist insurgencies against groups depicted as enemies of “the people” to shore up the authoritarian power and suppress dissent.
However, we demand a perfect opposition and not govt.

As a matter of fact, India is probably the only country in the world where the powerful majority whines all day and complains about being persecuted.
Meanwhile, the same emperor walks naked, the pied piper continues to blow the flute, yet the blind men of the nation bow down in front of the king, calling him the greatest ever one-eyed man.

All this wouldn’t have happened only if YOU hadn’t elected an illiterate moron.
And even re-elect him by if not Hitler then who narrative.
You have dug your graves, so kindly try to understand the psyche of our generation now and see yourself of what is left.

So next time when you see the govt blaming God instead of Nehru, and denying responsibility, don’t just laugh and ignore it, but also ponder of what you are offering to the next generation, prejudice or compassion, spine or not?

Are you as a human, setting a suitable e.g.?
As it is said, sab yaad rakha jaayega, trust me this too will be remembered, as to how you adults accepted slavery.
Our generation isn’t lazy or self-centered, or anything else you all say about us. We are just honest, which your silicon hearts cannot and will never understand. And this is what the youth has to say, although I doubt that whether your deaf ears have apprehended the point or not.

All battles aren’t fought for winning, but just to establish the fact that someone fought while others refused too. When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes our duty.
Our rage needs to be turned into fire, which will ignite the realms of society. Be a real patriot.

If you still wish to live the life of an andh bhakt, naive centrist, neoliberal capitalist, or apolitical sheep, then you are either a walking zombie or half-dead cannibal, living a life of a parasite, in this fekuslovia kingdom.
Hence, please sanitize your soul!

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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

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