The Making of a Dictatorial God

Recently, Ram Mandir was inaugurated vigorously with huge celebrations. After six years, BJP did keep their promise, the promise to construct Ram Mandir. The most debatable topic in India for the last six years was surrounding the Ram Mandir. None of us expected, we thought this would be only postponed continuously to maintain the heat of the elections and use as a permanent distraction element. But last November, the supreme court passed the Ayodhya Verdict, in May the construction started and then on, 5th August, it got inaugurated. It was indeed a great day to identify all our secretive communal friends while keeping our eyes wide open.

The fact that the bjp government dared to start the construction during a global pandemic, finish it, decide to inaugurate it, and not further postpone it is a dangerous warning for India. Perhaps, this says that the Ayodhya & Ram Mandir issue is no longer BJP’s brahmastra (deadliest weapon). Religion extremism, where God is a proxy, is the most influential divider the world can ever have, especially in a country like India, where the masses are inescapably religious. Revoking religion will be humanity’s greatest achievement. Sadly an impossible one!

History will remember 5th August.
This day won’t be forgotten.
Narendra Modi, you are NOT. I repeat you are NOT powerful enough to rewind the course of destiny.
Tell this to your mate too! Democracy murderers never have a peaceful death. Mind it.


You are mistaken if you think this is the end of the issue. No. What’s next is severe destruction of society, democracy, and above all, humanity. Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice, it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it. As long as people use violence to combat violence, we will always have violence. It’s not a catalyst. What do you think after this peace and harmony will come like in fairytales? India is and will continue to get divided into the lines of religion. The government doesn’t lack options or ideas to do so. Ram Mandir is just a better idea out of the worst in their list of distractions and divisions. But now it no longer is, and that’s the exact reason why we should be concerned because this shows that the Bjp is confident to come back in 2024. I hope we didn’t forget Amit Shah’s claim in 2014, of ruling 50 years. Article 370 revokement, Ram Mandir, NRC, has been fulfilled. Wait and watch, UCC is the next in line. I can say with conviction; the worst fall will be that of Ranjan Gogoi. Mark my words.

This is because the Ayodhya Case is not a dispute over mandir/masjid but politics. There is nothing called humane warfare, yet this is a warfare between the idea of love and hatred. This wasn’t a matter of righteousness. The world respected us for our harmony, and unity in diversity was its asset. This decision was taken as a subject of revenge.
This dispute is born of fundamentalism and not of religion. Its roots are socio-political condition. Religion is only used as a divine tool of authoritative justification in search of absolution for fascists.

But, what is, even more, worse, is that the day that deserves to be called black day is the day this event is happening.
Remember, 5th August 2019? The day begins with prejudice, curfews were still ongoing, thousands we’re homeless, thousands were still hiding in captive, some still bleeding, some trying to help others be in captive, the prejudice apocalypse was in it’s most violent stage. The night ends, the day transcends, with Article 370 revoked being the first headline. You might have lost interest in Kashmir, but Kashmir’s curses haven’t lost interest in you.

Not in my name. This is not the country I want to live in. I am ashamed of being an Indian.
Nothing can carry more stigma in yourself than having to share the same soil, with these ignorant and prejudiced fools.

No one said Jai Siya Ram! Proving this is no country for women, and so what if a womb’s chastity is questioned.

People in India are enjoying Ram Mandir Bhoomipujan.
On the other hand, Pakistan and China have released new maps telling the Indian territories as their own.

Hey temple lovers,
Humble reminder for you- an 8-year-old angel was raped brutally inside a temple two years back. Justice is still awaited!
If Asifa’s soul doesn’t haunt you tonight, you are not a human.

Lord Curzon rightly said the third pillar of democracy is religion. It can either create nothing but destroy everything. It can play with emotions in the drunken dilemma of religious righteousness. It’s like your arrogance is as good as my ignorance. All religion seems to need to prove that it’s the only truth. And that’s where it turns demonic. Because that’s when you get religious wars and persecutions and burning heretics at stake, now that the Maharaja is ordained & crowned, who’ll tell him that he’s not wearing any clothes?

To put it straight, a prime minister who considers it appropriate and constitutional to attend the stone-laying ceremony for a Hindu temple built on the remains of the vandalized mosque is the Prime Minister of the country that is neither secular nor democratic. This is not what the head of the state of a secular democracy is supposed to do, especially in the middle of the pandemic to which he has lost approximately 40,000 citizens. Building a temple on the same soil, which is soaked with the blood of the Muslims who died on the spot decades ago, won’t compensate for the demolition of a mosque. Demolition men do not build nations; they destroy them. Indian constitution doesn’t allow a PM to be a part of a religious event. Period.

Btw, on a lighter note, just imagine rejoicing over buying advertising space in New York and displaying Lord Rama’s picture. That desperate for validation?

You cannot hate people and love God at the same time. Also, the God who resides in a temple build on bloodshed is not God, but a beast, and so are his saffron followers.

Democracy– what does that mean, it means that the government is of the people, by the people, and for people. It thus reflects the idea of seeing a country as a family, where every member is united and firmly determined to love each other. There are not supposed to be any strangers but just friends we haven’t met yet.

Not that India, ever was so idealistic and passionate about its ethos, but the very intensity of intolerance in India today is not only a matter of disgrace but extremely shameful.

Sadly, the opposition welcomed this decision of the bjp, by wishing best wishes for the puja, praising Rama, and even took credit for its initial fruits. I mean, how much venomous do you need to be to do this? Are we serious? How exactly are we aiming to counter fascism, while being both the judge and jury?

To be true, and going by the same opposition’s supposed logic, had Rajiv Gandhi not allowed the Babri Masjid gates to be opened and a religious ceremony held in 1986, there would have been no Ram Janambhoomi movement.
Undoubtedly, the vigilance shown by the bjp is substantial, but the slackness shown in the other side, cannot be ignored. There’s no gain saying in denying that the dream of pathetic “Ram Rajya” had congress agreement to it.

I don’t care what you think, but not until we have enough schools and hospitals in our country, I am not going to support the construction of a religious carder.
And if it is of a fictional character who can question a womb’s chastity, then certainly not. Period.

Even, have a look at this letter of Priyanka Ji.

She further tweeted, “सरलता, साहस, संयम, त्याग, वचनवद्धता, दीनबंधु राम नाम का सार है। राम सबमें हैं, राम सबके साथ हैं।
भगवान राम और माता सीता के संदेश और उनकी कृपा के साथ रामलला के मंदिर के भूमिपूजन का कार्यक्रम राष्ट्रीय एकता, बंधुत्व और सांस्कृतिक समागम का अवसर बने। मेरा वक्तव्य “

History doesn’t judge an opposition performance, but the ability of the masses to fall.
However, this silent nod, to prevent controversy, won’t be forgiven. History will surely remember this- religion paralyzed the opposition’s spine.
Priyanka Gandhi has surely lost my and Kashmir’s respects.

This is the power of religion; it’s fundamentally aim is to create fear amongst us in one way than the other.
Religious politics is something I have zero tolerance towards. I am NOT going to see the bigger picture here.
India deserves better. This is about our tryst with destiny!!!

If you have to bring India together again, you can’t ignore the subject of religion for the sake of its sensitivity & appeasement allegations.
What you need to advocate is the dismissal of religion in general rather than a particular sect as a touchstone on lines of human values.

Having said so, some are evening trending this line ” Raise your hand if you are an Indian Muslim and have no problem in Mandir Construction in Ayodhya and want to move ahead.”
This is not the question of moving ahead or even righteousness. It must be noted that religion is the trump card of the BJP, which has hugely laid a substantial impact on the masses. If you have to bring India together again, you can’t ignore the subject of religion for the sake of its sensitivity & appeasement allegations. 

How are we even going to sensitize youth to differentiate between religion and State cause the day after barring Rahul Gandhi & Tharoor all went into worship mode. Politics can never be about one’s religious beliefs, which should merely reflect the human you are. On 5th August, our Constitution was delivered a death blow. Time is of the essence.

My main problem with religious scriptures is its disdain towards questions.
The most common response you receive after questioning is that you cannot question God.
I mean, why? Is he a dictator, or insecure of losing fictional scriptwriters.
Questioning isn’t disobedience. Things like you must never question God is a default response given when you don’t have an answer, an answer to the question raised by the opposite person. That just pellucid our ignorance. Our ignorance of human intellect and reluctance towards different ideas. So if insecurity and ignorance is the touchstone of defense for your religion, where god is nothing more than a proxy, then aren’t you portraying your beliefs as a direct consequence of narcissism.

If you don’t know the answers to the questions of the ideology you have subscribed to, and don’t even have any curiosity and questions regarding it, then are you in any way different than that of an animal. The main difference between animals and human is their senses and ability to imagine and understand. Now, don’t go on to say humans are also animals. No, they aren’t. There’s a reason why evolution took place, dude. Thus, there is no reason why you should compare humans to animals.

What is the use of accepting such a religion that only teaches us to be less of humans and more of fictional scriptwriters, perhaps makes us forcefully accept? Considering God is divine energy, can you limit the existence of energy within a temple or mosque?

The world is dynamic. Human civilization isn’t left stagnant. It’s high time we change our typical timid attitudes of portraying religious scriptures as the touchstone of divinity, and the idea of God must never be questioned. Questioning is the fundamental tool of human wisdom.

And if I talk of spirituality then, spirituality is human-oriented and not scripture oriented. Service to man is service to God, that’s what spirituality is, regardless, of religious texts and perceptions. Also, you don’t need to adopt soft Hindutva or hard Hindutva. When it comes to religious politics, neither of them can be ceased as lesser evils. What you need to advocate is the dismissal of religion in general rather than a particular sect as a touchstone on lines of human values.

This Temple is being built on prejudice. The puja has been done on the wrong day when Kashmir is murdered. This is wrong.

INC leadership has committed political suicide by endorsing and celebrating Ram Mandir instead of taking a principled stand. They should have learned from their own younger lot, folks like Saket Gokhale, Srivatsa, and, of course, Rahul Gandhi, about how to engage in politics without betraying ethics.

Some have even said that they have no option other than to respect the verdict as SC has passed it, and they can’t undo what has already been done. However, crying, “we don’t have any other option” isn’t a solution too.
What is essential is to place an opinion!
All battles are not fought for winning but just to establish the fact that someone fought while others have refused to.
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes our duty.

I mean, saying that you are just respecting the Ayodhya Verdict given by SC, even though they are not in favor of the demolition of Babri Masjid, is hypocrite.
Why should the SC be respected here only for its superiority? It is wrong. Respect is earned, not given. And so is disrespect. Supreme Court doesn’t deserve anyone’s respect after having the audacity to ask a secular state to construct a religious place, that too, knowing it’s the prejudiced state.
Supreme Court should not be respected solely because it’s supreme.

It is romantic to say, as a supreme institution, we must respect the Supreme court, and you can disagree with the judgment made by some greedy human beings. But no, it’s not Supreme. It’s no more supreme is sold.
Don’t we remember the classic dinners the PM has had with our beloved respect deservers?
Everyone in authority isn’t necessarily right. Respecting someone or something for the sake of its superiority is no different than dangerous blind faith.

Yes, as an opposition, surely we can’t be the change if we keep on losing, and there’s no point in fighting a battle we will keep on losing.
Surely, we couldn’t stop ram mandir from being built, but still, this loss would be respectful if we would have remarked our objection too, just to keep a mark.
This wasn’t a matter of righteousness. The war didn’t end yet. The world respected us for our harmony, and unity in diversity was its asset. This decision was taken as a subject of revenge.
This is a battle of Kurukshetra, above parties. The battle where my, your, and democracy’s lives are at stake.

Stop using the SC Verdict as a refuge for your cowardice nature. This is the same country where marital rape is legal—just saying.
A ‘distorted’ secularism is way better than perfect majoritarianism.

Perhaps, secularism implies an association of religious considerations from political and social life. Religion is ideally a matter of personal faith on which modern secular society is based upon values which may not contain an ocean of fundamental human rights. As we understand them today as a modern man will not rely on vision for deriving our concept of social consigns, but in India today, that is an ideal and not a practice.

The world resides in fear. And fear is better created than it naturally occurs.
Our resistance to dissent, intellect, and different ideas and very reluctance to something non-fictional, non-hierarchical and even non-supreme has doomed human nature of understanding.

We have actually disabled thinking and understanding towards revolutionary things. We have accepted everything that so-called exemplary, exists in this world, not only due to our ignorance but also because we prefer popular above righteousness.

The problem is the right-wing used to its nature, projects God as a dictator, one who can’t be questioned, has asked followers to have blind faith, to kneel, and follow his directions. One who is without women, macho, flawless, cultural, orthodox, and demands respect for the chair of authority. Perhaps, even succumb to raw power.

Everything popular is not necessarily right. Religious scriptures aren’t necessarily holy and perfect. God isn’t unquestionable. Laws aren’t always just. Authority isn’t ever experienced. Life isn’t necessarily beautiful. Atheists aren’t always impatient. Humans aren’t naive. Apolitical doesn’t really exists. Sexuality is wide, different orientations, and even asexuals aren’t a direct consequence of abnormality. And most importantly, it is not necessary to agree with society and is created norms.

It’s time we admit this. It’s time we give up on ego and ignorance. Otherwise, there are no winners or losers in this competition of hatred between ourselves.
If we don’t look beyond imagination and illusions, we are doomed into the permanent depreciation of democracy.

Let me break this to you; you are not going to be excluded from the curses of Kashmir if you wish best wishes for the Ram Janmabhoomi Puja.
This is wrong. You won’t realize it now, though.
Another thing, you can’t be both the jury and judge at the same time.

Often, when we go on to blame the hierarchical society, we forget that we are also a part of that very same dysfunctional society, and we have created interconnected and interdependent rules of exploitation for each other, be it on the grounds of religion, gender, caste, etc.; If we go on to believe illusions and stay blindfolded in the Mirage of faith then ultimately, our nation and our democracy, has no way to go beyond down the line of tyranny.
In this created mirage, where we are doomed, we have forgotten to introspect between the differences of what is legal, what is ideal, and what we are doing.

I want to end this article on just one note.
” নারীকে আগুনে ঠেলে দিয়ে অগ্নিপরীক্ষা করা উত্তরভারতীয় রাম নয়,
নারীকে চিতার আগুন থেকে বাঁচানো বাংলার রাজা রামমোহনই আমাদের রাম! “

My beloved India, the India of my birth, is dead.

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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

2 thoughts on “The Making of a Dictatorial God”

  1. Well said. I tend to see it as the culmination of controlled opposition as I have been saying it many times over the past. Also, a dictator, and a puppet dictator, will only bow to the wishes of their masters. Find their masters and break the chain. That’s the only way out for survival. They are completely following the Rockefeller foundation plan. And this is going by the clock. More deaths will occur in India over the next two years.


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