Religion – The Invisible Dictatorship

There’s a famous quote, “Science will have the solution; and religion will take the credit.”
Well, in fact that’s how the profession of fictional writers and self claimed so called Godmen, works.
After the pandemic gets over, religious jingoes will have credit, making God the proxy.

When science doesn’t have an answer to something, it says, ‘i don’t know’.

When religion hears that, it says, ‘aah, I can tell you the answer, if you promise to trust me fully & ask me no questions’.

You see, logic can’t be created, but certainly altered and that’s the loophole humans have exploited. The very endorsement of created personal opinions of fictional nature to sorting them into groups of people, shows the very paralyzed spine of human civilization.

What’s the religion of an orphan? Ever wondered? Or even an animal?
Religion is based on the name of God, which is again a choice to believe or not.
So on the basis of what theory, are we classifying humans on?
Fiction and opinion. Not fact and non fiction.

Religious extremists often, confuse or deliberate deny the line of difference between questioning, criticizing, and arguing.
They refer to scriptures when you ask them something.
Why dude?
Can’t u have your own opinion, or your scripture teaches you to disable self wisdom?

My main problem with religious scriptures , is its disdain towards questions.
The most common response you receive after questioning is that you cannot question God.
I mean why? Is he a dictator, or insecure of losing fictional script writers.
Questioning isn’t disobedience. Things like you must never question God is a default response given, when you don’t have an answer, an answer towards the question raised by the opposite person. That just pellucids our ignorance. Our ignorance towards human intellect and reluctance towards different ideas. So if insecurity and ignorance is the touchstone of defense for your religion, where god is nothing more than a proxy, then aren’t you portraying your beliefs a direct consequence of narcissism.

If, you yourself don’t know the answers to the questions of the ideology you have subscribed to, and don’t even have any curiosity and questions regarding it, then are you in anyway different than that of an animal. The main difference between animal and human is their senses and ability to imagine and understand. Now, don’t go on to say humans are also animals. No they aren’t. There’s a reason why evolution took place, dude. Thus, there is no reason as to why you should compare humans to animals.

What is the use of accepting such a religion that only teaches us to be less of humans and more of fictional script writers, perhaps makes us forcefully accept? Considering God is a divine energy, can you limit the existence of energy within a temple or mosque?

The world is dynamic. Human civilization isn’t left stagnant. It’s high time we change our typical timid attitudes of portraying religious scriptures the touchstone of divinity, and the idea of God must never be questioned. Questioning is the fundamental tool of human wisdom.

We have actually disabled thinking, and tolerance towards revolutionary things. We have accepted everything that so called exemplary, exists in this world, not only due to our ignorance but also because we prefer popular above righteousness.

Everything that’s popular is not necessarily right. Religious scriptures aren’t necessarily holy and perfect. God isn’t unquestionable. Laws aren’t always just. Authority isn’t always experienced. Life isn’t necessarily beautiful. Atheists aren’t always impatient. Humans aren’t naive. Apolitical doesn’t really exists. Sexuality is wide, different orientations and even asexuals aren’t a direct consequence of abnormality. And most importantly it is not necessary to agree with the society and is created norms.

It’s time we understand that there’s nothing called a religion. Being a hindu or a Muslim, or even an atheist has nothing to do we human obligations. It’s a choice that we make, to either surround ourselves with unnecessary illusions or question the supremacy.
Something that divides, has to be created by us.

Actually, the world resides on fear. And fear is better created than it naturally occurs.
Our resistance to dissent, intellect and different ideas and very reluctance to something non fictional, non hierarchical and even non supreme has doomed human nature of understanding.

It’s time we admit this. It’s time we give up on ego and ignorance. Otherwise, there are no winners or losers in this the competition of hatred between ourselves.
If we don’t look beyond imagination and illusions, we are doomed into the permanent depreciation of democracy.

Ambedkar had once said,
“How can a state divided into castes be called a nation?”
What India needed was a thorough social transformation and removal of inequality.
Had that been done truly, coronavirus wouldn’t have been a serious issue in a country today.

The fact is that we Indian are fundamentally and inescapably divisive in someway than the other.
Most of us, are not interested in such divisions, but can’t avoid having it too, at some point in ourselves intentionally or unintentionally, we have preferred emotions over facts.

India allows you the luxury of a million inequalities. One vociferous ideology is glittering without worth in the mousetrap of hatred.

People often demoralize atheists stating that they cannot afford to be an atheist without insulting religion.
I mean they don’t insult religion, but believes. And questioning religion or insulting it ,is nothing wrong.
Moreover, religion is different from that of spirituality. One doesn’t need a religion to believe in God, similarly, disagreeing with both isn’t wrong or immoral.

Now some woke liberals will say that it is not religion that is at fault, for creating divisions in the society but it is there fault who are conducting it. Now tell me something, when you are attempting diversities on the on the name of religion then aren’t you believing in fiction blindfoldedly, creating superstitions and dividing the state into groups of community? It is again a choice as well in saying that it is a choice of people and not that it is our fault is near hypocrisy. Forgot being a democracy. Even generally also why should humans be classified into groups people belonging to a certain so called faith, on the basis of fiction? By the creation of religion haven’t we done a major division at first place of human civilization.

Often, when we go on to blame the hierarchical society, we forget that we are also a part of that very same dysfunctional society, and we have created interconnected and interdependent rules of exploitation for each other, be it on grounds of religion, gender, caste etc; If we go on to believe illusions and stay blindfolded in the Mirage of religion then ultimately, our nation and our democracy, has no way to go beyond down the line of tyranny.

Why should something that we have created and did not occur naturally classify humans into groups of people? Why should we humans have the audacity to classify humans on the basis of such rules and regulations, and different believes on the name of God, and also force them to believe that religion and spirituality go hand by hand?

You know what, at a time when the country is going through a facist regime, it is our religious policies and practices, the reason for our country, of not having freedom and wallowing in state, without self respect. This is so because, selfish persons have collated the superstition of religious belief, in people to such an extent that it has ingrained to a substantial level, that it is not easy to convince people.

Spirituality on other hand is human oriented, nurtured by the idea that service to man is service to God. It doesn’t has the burden of scriptures, or the need of tolerating an invisible dictatorship by created theories.

We really need to understand that God is infinite. And you can’t limit his existence within a temple or mosque. And certainly not within the spectrum of a community.
He is everywhere, seeing everything. And trust me he must be ashamed of being the parent of such souls.
Neither, did he ask for a competition nor did he ask for revenge.

In this created mirage, where we are doomed we have forgotten to introspect between the differences of what is legal, what is ideal and what we are actually doing.

Is religion made for discipline and uniting a society or a country? Or to divide it? Is religion bound by the functions of an individual or is it meant to bind the individuals consigns? Is religion for the sake of man or is it the man for sake of religion? It’s high time our country ponderous upon this.

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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

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