Reluctance, Stupidity and Prejudice – Coronavirus Epidemic, 2020

Amidst, the coronavirus epidemic, India’s repeated negligence and reluctance towards the issue has proven hazardous.

The recent outbreak of Stupidity via the candle lighting episode, has not only resulted into bursting of fire crackers but also burning of houses and villages across various parts of the country.

Little did we know that only privileged people have the opportunity to show solidarity ( if I consider it solidarity) .
The world seems different from a labourer’s point of view. The labourers need our empathy and not sympathy. And sympathy and show of solidarity is no different than teasing him for his circumstance by showing off your privilege. And empathy comes from the acknowledgement of other’s needs and not making it the instrument of solidarity.

I am so damn irritated by this logic of “prayers with diyas will now fade coronavirus”.
Are you kidding me?
Or do you not consider atheists exist?
Prayer is a choice & belief,not a obligation. Hence, giving such narratives, is again against the hallmark of secularism.

Some more people have been saying that, its about you to belief – if you believe you do it – and those who don’t, dont do it – we should respect this also and not ridicule or taunt. I mean belief or superstitions?
You are not entitled to your opinion, you are entitled to your informed opinion!
No one is entitled to be ignorant.

On a lighter note, what’s the next task huh!? Singing national anthem in balconies? 😂

Then some more elite neoliberals come and give the logic of unity saying the world sees us one. There’s nothing more left for a morally corrupt nation to show others its anyway a dismantled tryst with its destiny and democracy being the scapegoat.

Coronavirus has also proved that humanity comes only when danger knocks at our own doorsteps and not before that.
If one voice is so powerful and we are so genuinely concerned then what happened when kashmir was burning?
The soldier narrative has been substituted by doctors now.

The emperor walks naked, the pied piper blows the flute, yet the blind men of the nation bow down in front of king, calling him the greatest ever one- eyed man.
That’s how the story of India goes, nurtured by the false notion that, your ignorance is as good as my knowledge. New India has become a place where the pied piper is the new krishna and stupidity is the new nationalism.

Krishna in Gita described Humans to belonging to three gunas. Tama, rajo & satya gun.
India has subscribed to tama gun.
Where one inspite of having knowledge doesn’t utilizes it and allows itself and others to be exploited in the drunken dilemma of love and admiration of leaders.

The otherwise ignorant dictator, had declared a lockdown which was also an official death warrant to the labourers and wage earners. Instead, of doing more testing it encouraged the idea of social distancing, which also re-established the idea of untouchability and treating Muslims and other Chinese people as suspected offenders.

One more thing, we rant about things like potato chips, dog food & green apples, that have become a bit difficult to procure, while 100 crores of our countrymen must be wondering where the next meal for their children will come from as they walk back home carrying their kids & meagre belongings.

Nevertheless, the megalomania of the dictator didn’t end, he took repeated popularity tests to see whether his cult still exists or not be it by banging plates or lighting a candle, it was well accepted by the society in the name of supposed unity and need of showing it to others. Unity that was temporary, and needed to be performed than executed by default. One must have wondered, what more was left for a morally corrupt nation to show and why did this need develop at first place.

Also, there’s a lot of fuss going on over coronavirus, but no one is talking about the mistreatment done to patients in isolated wards.
Broken toilets, dirty rooms, insufficient food, verbal abuse, refusal to clean their clothes etc;
Is it their fault, that they have got coronavirus?


In this coronavirus epidemic , being a realist is being delusional and a criminal activity to be so. No one expected it to be communalised, however, it was very much communalised.

The coronavirus epidemic took a communal angle in recent for the gathering of Tablighi Jamat. Muslims alone are been accused for having spread the virus and leading to deaths. Yes, it’s true that there shouldn’t have been a social gathering amidst this environment but if that’s true, then we must also not forget our previous mistakes and make the Muslim community the scapegoat. 13th March, the day this gathering took place, that very same day the ministry of health had issued a statement stating that coronavirus is not a health emergency for India. The hypocrisy of the nation and society is well exposed.

On 15th March, the gathering ended. The very next day Hindu Mahasabha had conducted a gau mutra party, for curing coronavirus. But, then they weren’t reminded of social distancing. Besides that, on that day the Delhi government ordered all religious institutions to be closed down. Yet, 40000 visitors visited tirupati, by once again ditching the coronavirus epidemic. Then on 19th March tirupati was closed down and the Prime Minister announced Janata curfew for 22nd. As a result on 22nd from 5pm to 6pm, people gathered in thousands to bang bells and thalis. Again social distancing was ignored. Then on 24th, a nationwide lock down was announced. The very next day on 25th, Yogi Adityanath conducted a Ram Navami event in Uttar Pradesh, citing reasons that Ram will protect the devotees from coronavirus. The man who had to literally order his wife to prove her chastity, has the capability to protect the nation from coronavirus, I mean are we serious? I mean in such a situation we can’t make personal beliefs with regards to religion and spirituality the touchstone for solutions. That’s mere hypocrisy. This event of yogi Adityanath again breaks the social distancing logic yet again. After all these blunders,on 30th March it came in news that 6 to 7 people who were their in the Tablighi Jamat had died on 15th March. I hope who is actually responsible has been cleared by now.

If you end up hating your own people in the name of national interest & religion then that’s certainly not patriotism and communalise it in a situation of pandemic. The hindutva nationalism is basically the power of hunger tempered by self deception,as a result of collective narcissism.

I am reminded of a quote of Ambedkar.
“How can a state divided into castes be called a nation?”
What India needed was a thorough social transformation and removal of inequality.
Had that been done, true coronavirus wouldn’t have been a serious issue in a country today.

The fact is that we Indian are fundamentally and inescapably divisive in someway than the other.
Most of us, are not interested in such divisions, but can’t avoid having it too, at some point in ourselves intentionally or unintentionally, we have preferred emotions over facts.

Coronavirus is temporary. It will fade away.
But, when are we planning to end this communal virus? 😣

This is a recent statement of the Prime Minister.

I’ll suggest you better ideas,
Stop the creation of new parliament, and invest those costs in the cause.
Auction out your personal luxuries.
Raid your ministers.
Stop giving funds to trollers.
Reclaim the money frm the slaves u bought for elections.
Enough money will be arranged

On a serious note, I say this time and again, stop making women an instrument for your political contentment.
Selling Lakshmi, can’t get you peace and prosperity.
Get this clear, Mr. Hindutva Nationalist.
Stop endorsing this gender stereotyped idea of a women solely sacrificing and selling Jewellery.

Coming to the press of briefing of American President Donald Trump. Here’s what he said,

A lot many bhakts of the Hindu nationalist party then defended trump’s bully of Modi by saying that India must accept the supposed request of trump regarding hydroxychloroquine. As this is what countries with a big heart do. If we can take care of our own needs, and yet have capacity to help others, we must extend a helping hand. Not just US, India should also willing to help friends in neighbourhood.

I mean are you on nuts.

Friendship can’t have retaliation.
Stop justifying toxic relations. Stop justifying ignorance and reluctance. Romantizing abstract emotions isn’t practical at this juncture.
However, the supposed friendship of Modi and trump, itself is a hallmark of anti – democracy and society. You must be on Almonds.

I would like to also state that, in reality the actual number of cases must have been hidden because neither there is enough testing, nor adequate medical infrastructure to deal with the crisis. Why so? – well then read this article of mine -

Lastly, I want ask where the elite men who claimed Gaumutra and Gobar cure coronavirus? Hiding in caves?
Bhakts why are you silent? 


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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

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