What does India's Thali Bajao Event convey?

On Thursday, 8pm Mr. Modi declared a Janta Curfew for Sunday, 22nd March and adviced us to clap or ring bells or bang plates in balconies, terraces and windows to appreciate the labourers, doctors and other health and sanitation workers.

Majority of India decided to follow his advice and bang plates, bells and etc;. But, these even lead to bursting of crackers and celebrations by going on roads and gatherings in large crowds. Social distancing became a joke.

In Spain and Italy the same clapping happened but coronavirus got increased even more. This reminds me of GST being celebrated in parliament at midnight upon its arrival.

On a personal note, my ears were bursting by this loud noise. This was so disgusting and irritating.
Streets were isolated. Whom were these fools playing shanka, ghanta, thali for?
I discovered yesterday , that my neighbors are a bunch of idiots.
We are the dumbest civilization ever. Period. This morons even danced with thaali’s and GHANTA. That too in an area where streets were isolated. No labourer was been seen.
Creating noise pollution to disturb others.

Coronavirus literally became a festival. I mean, If you can hack the mind, you don’t need to hack the EVM.

Has anyone seen a video of Modi clapping or banging on plates?
Note: Pied piper never follows himself !

Coronavirus has also proved that humanity comes only when danger knocks at our own doorsteps and not before that.
If one voice is so powerful and we are so genuinely concerned then what happened when kashmir was burning?
The soldier narrative has been substituted by doctors now.

The problem is we don’t ask the right questions. People are saying this doctors and labourers are in Frontline hence, should be appreciated. That’s the point. Why are they in Frontline at first place? Why are they working? Because they have to. For doctors it’s out of obligation and for labourers it’s out of the absence of privilege. Why are the labourers working and not getting paid leave? Why? Can’t they get coronavirus? This just shows are class differences. To appreciate them out of privilege. We were just showing of our privilege.

If one voice is so powerful and we are so genuinely concerned then what happened when kashmir was burning?

Then some over optimistic morons said that the nation became united for 5 minutes at least.

Nonsense shouldn’t be tolerated even if it is for 5 minutes. There is nothing more left for a morally corrupt nation to show to the world. Everyone is aware of India’s intolerance. This just resembles that the nation is pseudo united for stupidity. Unity is shown by deeds and not such performances.

Moreover, such temporary unity, and that is no also unity but rather obedience to a dictator serves no purpose. The ringing of bells and plates aim was to appreciate labourers. Labourers need paid lives in this critical hour more than anything.

It’s our privilege class that makes think they deserve appreciation, that overtakes their needs.
Giving money in hands of this people and labourers is the best way to show appreciation & care if you genuinely do.

Appreciation happens by understanding other people’s needs and acknowledging them , not by glorifying what you think they deserve. How many of this people who participated in this thali event are eager to donate for the cause of coronavirus?

That is when real unity can be achieved… When you stand by others in their problems and acknowledge it most importantly than giving appreciation because of the privilege that you have. And saying that functions and puja’s have more loud noise, is resorting to whataboutism.

After all, privilege conceives ignorance. Being in position of a daily waged labourer, the world would seem different.

Mr. Modi basically wanted to test whether his cult till exists or not by this thali event, post Shaheen Bagh Protest.

And if you still think it was too appreciate workers and labourers, you are doomed about Indian Politics.

Fascists can never be appreciative. Get this clear.

Kashmir violence *

Indians – who cares? Am not a kashmiri. They deserve it.

Riots *

Indians – its two sides. Muslims shouldn’t have defended.

Coronavirus *

Indians – its a matter of humanity. Plz be united. Please give concentric solutions.

Not mocking.But we deserve this.


It is not Corona that I am portraying as a result of karma it is the present attitude of Indians I am portraying.
What I am saying, Is that why can’t Indians stop being ignorant? why does ignorance sheds only when it effects individual lives?
Thats my point.

Some woke liberals like Pallavi Ghosh even said that when everyone will do this noise together its no less than the power of a mantra –

Okay, fine then let’s add to that. Go Corona Go. Let’s chant it together.
It should rather be Go Superstitions Go.
Go Stupidity Go.
Go ignorance Go.
Power of Mantra? Lol. 😂 Then, do something use the same fictional mantra to remove fascists from power.
Yeh fairytale nahi hain.

What would have happened had congress done this during tuberculosis and polio crisis?
Bhakts then would have scrambled the govt.
But, then now they are unapologetic about everything.

Krishna in Gita described Humans to belonging to three gunas. Tama, rajo & satya gun.
India has subscribed to tama gun.
Where one inspite of having knowledge doesn’t utilizes it and allows itself and others to be exploited in the drunken dilemma of love and admiration of leaders.

While democracy dances in the clad of madness, the naked emperor must be planning to arouse more of fascism.

Hum kis gali ja rahe hain,humara koi thikana nahi. Magar kisiko batana nahi 😂

The world must be laughing at us.

After all, in a country of blind men, the one eyed man is the king.

Democracy in India today, is only a top dressing on Indian soil, which is essentially undemocratic.
Proved yet again yesterday . It got proved that We are a nation of educated illiterates.

I am reminded of a quote of Ambedkar.
“How can a state divided into castes be called a nation?”
What India needed was a thorough social transformation and removal of inequality.
Had that been done, true coronavirus wouldn’t have been a serious issue in a country today.

The fact is that we Indian are fundamentally and inescapably divisive in someway than the other.
Most of us, are not interested in such divisions, but can’t avoid having it too, at some point in ourselves intentionally or unintentionally, we have preferred emotions over facts.

Rahul Gandhi gives thermal scanners, while Mr. Modi gives clapping with thali advice.
Different leaders ; different priorities.
Hope the previous Modi nahi toh kaun question of illiterate and ignorant voters have got sorted.
Finally, at the end of the health became the priority.

Indians be like,

Rest of the year: Kya yaar, mujhe kya, hone do joh hona hain. Am not into politics. At least will get a hindu Rashtra.

Coronavirus: The PM is mad. Indian democracy is under threat. What will be of the labourer’s?

Not disagreeing, but you get what u deserve!!

What we want:

Hindu Rashtra.
Akhand Bharat.

What we get:

Falling economy.

Government is to be blamed. True. But introspect inside your half baked nationalism also.
You are also collectively responsible for the present situation. Don’t deny it

One 14 hour lock down and clapping won’t solve the problem. In fact, it will increase the situation.
By damaging the lives of our daily waged labourer’s, the problem of coronavirus won’t end.

Before the clapping event started,

Bjp folks are suddenly engaged in convincing people to stay home, and share the pseudo benefits of #JantaCurfew and clapping at 5pm.
Few days back, they were busy giving Gaumutra and Gobar solutions.
What happened to those Go Corona chants?
Useless?Or a deterrent of incompetence?

Lastly, I will say why did we even need a lock down or Janta Curfew won’t Gaumutra and Gobar cure coronavirus?
Bhakts why are you silent? 😂

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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

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