The Great wall of Religion

It is a kind of politics going in India today, that denies democracy’s ideal of equality for citizens but in by historical inequality, abandoning them to the neoliberal remedy of social darwinist struggle for survival in a borderless world. Populism latches on to the politics of winners and losers to mobilize psychically potent resentments and anger against the “outsiders” responsible for the pain of the “people”.

Opportunistic leaders exploit the powerlessness experienced in a world that is increasing the globalised and is dominated by the bureaucratic state and multinational capital. They are quick to redirect the frustration with the dissolution of community life into anger in at those seen responsible for the suffering. Predictably, the scapegoats are the minorities community. Deemed as threat to the very existence of the nation and the community, they become targets of the majoritarian desire to inflict pain to avent their projected grief. The spectacle of angry victors theoretically mocking and taking sadistic pleasure in the plight of the defeated “alien” tormentors is all too visible globally.

Basically, our world is utterly saturated with fear. We fear being attacked by religious extremists. We fear the loss of political rights, a loss of privacy, or a loss of freedom. We fear being injured, robbed or attacked, being judged by others, or neglected, or left unloved. And religion is the most easiest factor to divert us from central issues because as Indians are fundamentally insane in matters of religion, its like your arrogance is better than my ignorance. Fear is better created than it naturally occurs.

But, who is to decide who is an alien or an outsider, our own people are no longer ours, many of them have auctioned themselves to the fascist government in the garb majoritarian masquerade. And this pseudo alien narrative doesn’t even have any conclusive boundaries to begin with, and even if you think it has, then been a part of a republican democracy, you are just another contributer to fascist ideology.

As expected, after the riots some politicians came up saying that Muslims deserved this or this is done to protect the sentiments of Hindus.

Yogi adityanath even said, that Delhi deserved this because they rejected bjp. They will have to face the consequences of rejecting bjp.

If after spending 500 years under the mughals, 200 years under British, and 70 yrs of Indian independence under a democratic and secular constitution, ur religion feels threatened, then please convert / live ur religion!
Stop saying, Muslims deserved this, or Hindus are tolerant.

This is govt is fundamentally inhumane and Islamophobic. Driven by the drunken dilemma of half baked nationalism amidst it’s sadomasochism, it wants destroy everyone who disagrees with them or is different in religion or Caste or creed.This is the plain yet ironic truth.

I don’t care at all if you troll me for this, but you simply can’t gain the grace of God, by burning houses & killing ppl, even if it is for ur supposed justification of protecting ur religion.
God can’t be so insecure abt his identity, that he will need you to do riots for him.
You cannot hate people and love God at the same time.

It is believed God is our creator.
Now, tell me something, can a parent classify his/her children into different groups of people?
Can he set different rules for different groups?
Will he like his children competing between each other? Then what is religion?
Ironic mirage!

Why do we treat atheists and monotheists as some abnormal human being and label them as leftists?
Seems like, hindutva sanghies consider God as an autocratic dictator.
They portray their religion in a such deplorable way, as if God is a dictator. Has he forced everyone to agree with him and follow him. As if he is narcissistic.
God must be crying seeing these misconceptions.

The hindutva nationalism being driven in our country today has nowhere to go beyond the line of tyranny. Nationalism which is already driven by the wrong noesis of patriotism is being doubly subjugated by the inclusion of religion into it. In this drunken dilemma of religious extroverts where god is a proxy, the institutions, masses and legislature are considerably exploited. Our democracy is dancing in the clad of madness.

We have forgotten, the great legacy we had years before, which was one of tolerance, love, humility , compassion and brotherhood. The country is not heading towards fascism but presently it is in the era of fascism. Religious prejudice, is a vital component of fascism. The right wing community has completely destroyed our social fabric, to such an extent that we actually need to debate on secularism’s importance in tv debates being a democracy. Whereas this unbroken completeness amidst the very existence of heterogeneity, ideally should have a default macrocosm with vested acceptance. Contradictions in matters of secularism’s significance can’t be endured as an element of democratic dissent in a republic or be valued in the garb of freedom of speech and liberty of thought. I mean seriously, in 2020 we really need to debate on secularism’s significance or celebrate unity every time we hear some good news (rarely)?

I recently came across, a video in social media, where Hindus were blessing their kids by making them sit upon cow dung and singing songs. Religion kills knowledge. It destroys the ability to think and question hypocrisy. In the drunken dilemma of religious extremism, this is what happens.
Sh*t is never holy, but certainly this skanky believes are.
And am sure God didn’t give a free license to sell of souls.

Neither do you need to be religious to believe in God nor sitting in a temple can make you a hindu.
If I being a kid can understand this, then why can’t you adults ? For the simple reason, you have auctioned your souls.
Too many bodies without identities have spoiled the social broth.

We really need to understand that God is infinite. And you can’t limit his existence within a temple or mosque.
He is everywhere, seeing everything. And trust me he must be ashamed of being the parent of such souls.
Neither, did he ask for a competition nor did he ask for revenge.

If you end up hating your own people in the name of national interest and religion then that’s certainly not patriotism. And that’s what the hindutva ideology dosen’t wants to realize. The hindutva nationalism is basically the power of hunger tempered by self deception, as a result of collective narcissism.

We tend to forget that we all are and were humans under the shelter of earth. And the colour of our blood is same. Those religious extremists who go against this idea are nothing more than human traffickers. India is not India anymore and humans are humans anymore. Humanity has fragmented between narrow domestic walls in India which was ideally beyond the demographics.

I am generally not optimistic about the condition of our country however, HOPE is the only thing that we have rather we can have. While religious extremists and hindutva nationalists who are notwithstanding with the idea of holiness and a powerful electron of democratic disgrace, it lies on us whether we decide to subscribe to this right wing ideology
Can you hate people and love God at the same time?
I don’t think so. But this is something you need to think about.

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Radhika Barman is an eighteen-year-old teenage blogger. She is a popular face in mainstream Indian politics as a political analyst. She is the author of a book titled, "God, Religion and Indians". Available in Amazon and Flipkart.

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